A review by siriuslyenya
The Rose Society by Marie Lu


“I will keep you, until the day I choose not to. You have destroyed and harmed all that is dear to me. In return, I want you to know what that feels like. I will not kill you. I will keep you alive. I will torture you.” My voice drops to a whisper. “Until your soul is dead.” (The Rose Society)

It would be a lie to say that this book wasn’t dark. Adelina is cruel, selfish and, in my opinion, quite merciless. For me it was hard to like a protagonist as dark and twisted as her and really dive into the story.

However, Lu has written Adelina’s story so incredibly well that I still couldn’t just stop reading. It is full of action, emotion and magic and keeps you guessing what will happen next.

If you’re tired of reading about the heroes this is perfect for you.