A review by vegantrav
Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth by Bart D. Ehrman


Apparently, there is something of a revival among atheists and agnostics of the Jesus myth theory: the theory that Jesus of Nazareth never actually existed.

The Jesus myth theory is absurd and without any merit. Anyone who has studied the New Testament in an academic setting will, after examining the historical evidence, have no doubt that Jesus of Nazareth did, in fact, exist. There is no real doubt among any scholars of repute that Jesus did exist.

In Did Jesus Exist?, Bart Ehrman definitively demolishes the arguments of the Jesus mythicists and establishes a reasonable, well argued account for why modern historians and New Testament scholars all believe that Jesus existed. Once again, Ehrman provides a solid, academically sound account of the state of contemporary historical Jesus scholarship. There is nothing really new in this book, but it is a careful, point-by-point take down of the ridiculous claims of the Jesus mythicists.