A review by piggy327
Fiance by Friday by Catherine Bybee


I received this book via goodreads 'first reads' giveaway. I hate to read books out of order, and this is the 3rd book in the series. I went ahead and read it anyways. I must confess, it made me want to go out and buy the first two in the series and any following. Even though I didn't know all the character or their stories I still felt their importance. The couple brought together in this book is Gwen and Neil. Neil is an ex marine turned private security. Gwen is a Duke's sister, who has lived a privileged life. He isn't suppose to fall for Gwen, she is a client and he can't get involved with clients, and has no time for distractions. Not to mention there is a madman out there intent on tormenting Neil and the ones he is suppose to be protecting. We share Gwen and Neil's coming together through lows and a few highs. The privileged princess whom Neil would love nothing more then to lock her in an ivory tower to keep her safe shows she is more then just a vain woman that likes the finer things in life. Neil learns that he is no longer a solo marine and how to overcome his past demons. There is background couple in this book, Karen and Michael, and I do hope in the following books we do get to see how their 'marriage' progressed and 'ends'.