A review by zenarae
The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak


I saw this blurbed somewhere as "Ready Player One meets John Green", and that was a pretty accurate assessment. It definitely read like someone trying to write a John Green-esque novel about teenage computer geeks in the 1980s, but it failed horribly at being an actual good book.

For the first half or so, I was moderately into it. The characters weren't great, but they weren't horrible. The plot was adequate. It had a nice little nostalgic 80s movie vibe with the "teen kids come up with a hair-brained scheme to do something ridiculous" story line. I thought that the relationships between all the teens were all fairly realistic. And then I got somewhere in the middle of the book, and it just all went downhill, fast (which is funny, since a large part of the end of the book actually involves climbing a small mountain). We went from one unbelievable situation to another, and the explanations that came for a lot of characters' actions were just completely out of left field and really felt shoehorned in. I was still wavering on giving it 2 stars, because I had enjoyed most of the beginning, but then I came to the final scene, and holy crap that ending was atrocious. I literally closed the book and said out loud, "Are you kidding me? That's where you went with this?"

Would not recommend.