A review by ice_elf
Alice Broadway Ink Trilogy Collection 3 Books Set by Alice Broadway


You know that saying about not judging books by their covers?

The cover caught my eye because it was so pretty and the blurb intrigued me too – but it wasn’t what I thought it would be. It was a fairly bland dystopia, with a protagonist who is very passive and not too bright. I worked out the truth a long time before she was told it, and yes, that’s right, she’s told them. She doesn’t go seeking out the truth, she just blindly accepts that her faith and the government are right.

I couldn’t work out whether we were meant to know that the Blanks weren’t all bad, and that all the facts were just government propaganda, or whether that was supposed to be a twist. At any rate, I wasn’t impressed that the protagonist seemed to spend a lot of the book believing this and not challenging it – that didn’t sit right with me. I found it hard to like Leora, or work up much sympathy for her. The romance didn’t fire me up either – I didn’t even see much chemistry between Leora and Oscar – and I foresee a love triangle in Leora’s future.

I don’t think I’ll be reading the next one though.

(I did like how the fables were woven into the text though.)