A review by allingoodtime
Going Home by Stacy Finz


Very sweet story. I love the character of Rhys, the hero. He's a bit prickly at first...with good reason. He's really just a softy, and not even that deep down. You just have to scratch the surface.

As for the heroine, Maddy, I loved her will-power and strength. So many women make the mistake of not respecting themselves enough to know when to say bye. She stood firm and, although she talked to her ex-husband, never waivered.

Some of the town made me want to tear my hair out. I know that's how it can be in a tight-knit community though. And isn't it always the women that see reason and make positive changes in everyones lives? The ladies of Nugget, for the most part, are truly the backbone of the town.

There were many side-characters in this book I would love to see more of...Clay and Colin just to name a couple.

One thing that bugged me was some of the idioms. It could be a totally regional thing. But sometimes when a character would say or think a common saying it would be just a little off of what I'm used to hearing and reading. Like I said, it could be a regional dialect type of thing. Nothing major.