A review by pjonsson
Chaos and Gunfire by Martha Carr, Michael Anderle


Wow, from a really good start this series is really going downhill, like going down the drain type of downhill.

I quite liked the first book in the series. The second one was a bit mediocre and lacked development, especially when it came to Idina herself.

This book, well personally I feel it is downright bad. Neither the story nor Idina is really going anywhere. It is just a bunch of whining about this “weird green stuff” that she refuses to embrace, or even trying to get a handle on, and a whole bunch utterly illogical and psychotic behaviour.

I thought we would finally see Idina going somewhere when she experienced more of her “green powers” but no. Instead the author makes her go completely nuts and in an orgy of irrational and utterly stupid behaviour worthy of a bad script for a Hollywood soap opera she goes AWOL.

This is followed by several chapters of psychobabble and counselling which was really boring as far as I am concerned.

Then she via some mysterious officers, and largely thanks to her antics, gets moved from the real military unit she was in, where she had good and likable friends, to some dump with a bunch of losers and administrators. What the f…?

I certainly hope the author has some long, or better yet medium, term plan in there but I really fail to see it right now and as far as this book goes I’m afraid that I pretty much felt it sucked. It was mostly boring and it went in all directions except a good one.

The only reason I’m not giving up on the series is because I still hope it might go somewhere interesting. There are some mysterious characters and events lurking in the shadows that give me some hope of a course correction for the better but then next book better be quite a lot better than this one. If not I’m dropping the series.

Oh, and since I’m on a bit of a whine and rant mode, those book covers? Not a single one of them has much, if anything, to do with the content of the books. It’s really blatantly false marketing.