A review by traciesimister
Dangerous Protector by Sidney Bristol


Title: Dangerous Protector
Series: Aegis Group Book 5
Genre: Romance, Action Romance
Author: Sidney Bristol
Format: E-book
Published: Sep 27, 2016
Rating: 4 ✩'s

Main Character’s Descriptions:
Marco Benally Retired Navy SEAL
Fiona Goero is in the Witness Protection plan as she has been for most of her life.
Summary Paragraph:
Fiona Goero is in the Witness Protection plan as she has been for most of her life. She’s in the program because she is one of the Internets Most Wanted because she helped the FBI put away a group of hackers. Will she ever be able to leave the program or will she have to be in the program for life?

Marco Benally is just trying to save his family’s home. In order to do so he needs some help in uncovering the company that took his homes illegal activity.
What I liked or Didn’t like: I loved the authors descriptions of the characters. The author grabbed my attention in the first chapter and held it throughout the book. Lots of action as well as romance are awaiting you in this book. I do however suggest reading the prior books in the series before reading this one.

Books in the series are
Aegis Group
Dangerous Attraction
Dangerous in Training
Dangerous Games
Dangerous Assignment
Dangerous Protector