A review by bookscoffeeandpassion
Sonata by Skye Warren


Books, Coffee & Passion

I’m literally speechless after reading Sonata or I’m just confused or baffled, I can’t even tell. Honestly, I don’t know where to start this review and if someone told me I would feel like this, after reading the last book in the North Security series written by Skye Warren, one of my favorite authors, I would definitely think it wouldn’t be possible. Yet here we are.
I was really excited about the final book in this trilogy so I didn’t really mind the slow pace at first, but somewhere along the way it started to bother me. The story was dragging and I felt like I was still reading the second book, because nothing was actually happening or moving toward a wrap up. I kept staring at the reading progress on my Kindle which I never do when I’m invested in the story. I was shocked when I got to 80-85ish % without any real character growth, little progress on the mystery/conspiracy plot and no progress whatsoever on the relationship between Liam and Samantha. There were some entertaining scenes but their relationship remained exactly like it was on the second book. The push and pull remained the same for most of the book: Liam protecting Samantha, feeling guilty about his feelings, dealing with his childhood traumas and Samantha trying to convince him that there was no need for him to feel guilty, that she really wanted him and that he was worthy. Just like a repetitive cycle. Then, around 85% everything happened! Like in a blink of an eye, everyone was safe, happy and all the security issues were solved. What the hell happened? I couldn’t even figure out how everything was solved, I read the last 15% of the book 3 times and I still can’t understand how everything was pushed aside. I’m very disappointed so I can’t rate this book higher than 2 stars and the second star is only because Skye Warren writing is still notably good. I’ll still order Audition, the first book in the spinoff series, True North, because I believe it might be better, we’ll see.