A review by melissasfandomworld
Claimed by Elle Kennedy


When I started this book I definitely wasn't expecting such an intense read. Some parts of this book were a nice surprise but I also had some remarks though. Or well, rather the 1 really and it's the reason as to why I didn't rate this book higher than a 3-star rating.

The reason I rated it with a 3-star rating is basically because of the lack of story-line-depth in the first part of the book and a bit into the second part as well. There was enough of character development present though, but depth in the story-line itself just lacked at first. I feel like this was basically because there was almost non-stop-sex going on. And I'm not exaggerating though; it was like all the time, instead of there being a story-line-developing happening as well, lol. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE sex scenes and especially ones written like this because I have to be honest; it was HOT.. OMFG, THIS WAS JUST HOT AF. But it also got in the way of the story-line development at first and that was a shame, really.

When I was like 60% in it got way better though and from then on, the story developed quite good actually and towards the end it got really exciting and thrilling and I just couldn't stop reading any more until I finished it - I did this in between cooking, getting my hubby from work, spending time with my son.. I was reading every free second I got and took the book with me everywhere I went. It was addictive! I don't know what it is exactly about Elle's writing, and whether or not it's new adult or this adult romance book, she has me hooked when reading her books!

Getting back to the sexiness of this book because I just have to talk about it again; HOT-DAMN! I think this is one of the sexiest books I've ever read! Despite the fact of the sexy times being present a bit too much and therefore getting in the way of a decent development throughout the first part of the book, in particular, I was so hooked on it all, right away. I liked the characters right from the start, so there not being a romance at first but a lot of hot sex, was definitely something I wasn't opposed to hehe.. It just worked for me. I won't go into details but; CAN I BE AN OUTLAW AS WELL AND LIVE WITH CONNOR AND HIS GROUP OF FRIENDS? PRETTY PLEASE?!

I also like it a lot that there's definitely a romance development as well later on when we've gotten to know the characters a bit better. Thanks to the Connor POV available as well, the romance turned out to be quite amazing I think in the end.

This book is a perfect pick though if you're looking for a light read with lots and LOTS of steamy scenes, combined with an addictive writing style. The characters are really likable and the world was really interesting I think, and something I'd definitely want to read more of! I also liked a lot of minor characters and I can't wait really to read more of them as well in the next books.