A review by ali23
Bossman by Vi Keeland


My reviews are not posting with the Amazon link grr...................

I love this book. This book had humor, love, and great characters. I loved the banter between Chase and Reese. I loved how they could make up a story and keep a straight face. They went from middle school lovers to second cousin to lovers and it was hilarious. I loved the flashbacks of Chase earlier years. The flashbacks were done to keep you on your toes as to what will happen next (it was pretty obvious what was coming next). Reese was a great female lead. She was not annoying nor was she a doormat. Chase was just Chase. He was an amazing broken man who hid it well until the end. They were honest with each other from day one. Chase told Reese about his tragic past and Reese did the same in the beginning of their relationship, which is what I loved. I think having Chase's POV at the end was a perfect placement. We were not ready to get inside his head until the worst and it explained his actions at the end. The epilogue was perfect, even though I wouldn't mind a novella of them. Loved this couple and this book.