A review by ericarobyn
Shadow Roads Vol. 2, Volume 2 by Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt


I snagged a copy of Shadow Roads at Free Comic Book Day 2018. I’m totally embarrassed at how long it took me to finally be able to give it a read!

Shadow Roads is a story that is set in the world that remains after the conclusion of The Sixth Gun series. I haven’t yet read that series, but I definitely want to now!

The story jumps right in with two characters at a museum. One is having a great time, while the other feels a bit off. Before they leave, a man gives one of the characters a gift and a message.

Next up, we jump to New Mexico Territory where a man is searching for a girl that is talented with a pistol.

The two story lines jump back and forth throughout the short comic, where we dive a bit deeper into the plots for each.

Of course, the comic ends just when things are getting really interesting! But as a quick glimpse, I thought this was perfect!

The artwork was also really awesome! I love the color schemes. It was especially interesting that the scenes in London were quite different from the orange and brown tones of the scenes in New Mexico. And of course, I’m a total sucker for the darker panels! One character that pops into the story, Ms Abigail Redmayne, looks SWEET. I can’t wait to learn more about her!

This quick glimpse totally got me hooked! I definitely need to try to get my hands on the first full volume when it comes out on June 18, 2019!