A review by ellie_bronte
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare


For everything that happened in this book I'm glad it ended the way it did. I have to say that I'm surprised and happy that Clary did not need to have some magical gift of fighting or innate sense of survival in order to do damage. Usually in books like this there is a montage of intense training that takes months in a believable span, and yet Clary managed to survive! Maybe this is a negative to some people, and yes I know she has the power to either create runes or remember the earliest runes created, but she's still defenseless once her hands are bound.

-Jace and Clary... my God I don't know where to begin on this! All I'll say is that for all the ups and downs, twists and turns they took I'd be seething with rage if they didn't end up together. It was exhausting to read, maybe a little too much, but damn!

-There was the part of the book where someone actually died... And yet I didn't feel anything. I laughed! Let me explain before I get assaulted: I didn't feel an initial connection to this person to even care that they were murdered. They were hardly in the book, only really addressed to once, and the rest of the time everyone told them to go away! So please excuse my nonchalance but I couldn't really feel anything when they were brutally murdered...

-The twists... Mind rape is imminent when reading books from Cassandra Clare. I saw the ending coming but the road she took to get there was outstanding. It felt like the end of the first book all over again, me staring wide eyed, slack jawed at Jace being Clary's sister...

-And then the writing style itself. Clare has such a way of describing things without over embellishing. Her similes and metaphors are so dazzling, conveying ideas in ways that are just so beautiful. There was one part where she wrote about broken glass raining down like falling stars... And the way she switches characters, the last line she usually gives are just so deep, so cutting. She mastered her style and has come a long way from the repetition in the first book.

But yeah, I'm glad it ended the way it did and besides the parts I mentioned, I love the book!!!