A review by nika_nix
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater


Fantastic finale to a fantastic trilogy. I'm so glad that I finally read this book, because it was pure perfection. Now I can definitely say that this series gets better with each book. This one was so action-packed, intense and beautiful, it kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time. he whole series wrapped up nicely in this book and I can just say that I love the way this book ended. It was not this fairytale ending that leaves you with And they lived happily ever after... because that's not what happens, but it didn't break my heart either (okay, it did). It's this perfect bitter.sweet ending that you may or may not like, but it is how it is. Not everything can be perfect, but that's life and there is no perfect cure for everything.

When it comes to characters, I still love them all. However, I'm gonna start with my favourite one.
Oh, Cole. He's just amazing. I don't even know how to describe him, without spoiling everything. I just love him so much even though he's so messed up. His character is so complex and very well done, I could never come up with a character like that. He had my heart from the moment he showed up in the second book and he's gonna have it forever, despite some unexpected events when I wanted to throw the book over the room.
Isabel is the best female sidekick I've ever read about. I love her as well. She's just so badass, awesome and bitch when necessary. She changed completely throughout the series and I love how she turned out. Also, I love her relationship with Cole, they are definitely one of my OTPs.
I still have some mixed feeling about Sam, Yeah, I do love him, but I noticed that with each book I like him a bit less and I don't really know why. I guess that when Cole appeared in the book, my love for Sam started reducing and all the love was reserved for Cole. However, I still like Sam, just not as much as in the first book.
Grace is completely different now when she's a werewolf. However, I do like her now as well. Maybe even more than before. But no matter how much I like her, I loved her the most when she stood up to her parents and told them everything they deserve. Best scene ever!

Maggie Stiefvater has such a beautiful wiriting style, it amazes me every time. I just love that woman and her books.

I have no idea what else to say, since I'm pretty much repeating everything I've already said in my reviews for previous book, and I don't want to spoil you on anything, since this is supposed to be a spoiler-free review. And because I really want to talk more about this book and analyze the whole series and how it all wrapped up, I'm going to make a spoilery discussion on the whole trilogy, hopefully soon. I don't recommend you reading that if you haven't read all the books, though. But in that case, what are you waiting for? Go and read these books, they are truly amazing!