A review by caseroo7
Trust Me by Lacey Black


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Trust Me is the debut novel of Lacey Black, and those can always be sort of tricky. While the blurb sounded amazing, you never quite know what you are in for with a debut. I am so glad to say that Trust Me by Lacey Black was definitely worth the risk, and I really loved this book! I enjoyed the whole story and loved the characters. I couldn't put this book down and this book was so much more than I ever expected. I was originally interested because of the brother's best friend and little sister trope as well as the fact that this one is set in my home state (Yay Missouri!), but I was instantly drawn into the story and I thought that Lacey Black had a wonderful writing style that was so easy to get lost in.

Avery Stevens has a hard time trusting after being betrayed by men in her past. Now she is raising her three year old daughter Brooklyn at the age of twenty-two and relies on the help from her family and friends. Avery has always had a crush on her oldest brother Jake's best friend Maddox Jackson. Maddox has watched Avery grow into the beautiful woman she is now from the annoying little girl she used to be. He works as a cop with her older brother Jake and they have always been best friends. But Maddox has struggled with his attraction to Avery, and the many reasons that he shouldn't be having the feelings for her that he does. Not only is she off limits due to her brother, but there is also the large age difference and her little girl. Maddox has never done girlfriends or commitments, but for the first time he is starting to want more as long as it is with Avery. But can Avery trust Maddox after everything that she has been through, and can they get past all the obstacles that stand in their way?

I really loved Maddox. For all of his playboy ways and reputation, he was so sweet and dedicated to Avery. Once he had realized his feelings for her and decided to go after her, he was completely into just her. He was so sweet with her and Brooklyn, and I loved how he didn't seem to have any problems making that transition even if he knew that he was unfamiliar territory. I thought that he was so thoughtful and kind, and I loved that he was building something with not just Avery but also Brooklyn. You could tell that he was really falling for both of them, and it could not have been more adorable. Avery was great as well. She was such a strong and independent woman, and she had a great head on her shoulders for her age. She was a great mother and Brooklyn was always her priority. I really enjoyed seeing her let Maddox in though, and I loved watching as she opened up to him and started to fall for him. What really made their connection so strong was that they had known each other for so long and that they fit together on every level. They had great chemistry and were really attracted to one another, but they also had the emotional bond that made their relationship so real and believable.

Overall, this book was so good. I really loved every bit of it and I didn't want this one to end. It was sweet and cute, and I loved all the characters so much. I can't wait to get more of this series, and I am really excited that Avery's brother Jake's book is next. I can hardly wait to see what Lacey Black has in store for him and I can't wait to see him fall hard! I think that contemporary romance fans should definitely give this one a shot, and I think that readers will really enjoy this sweet story. I can't wait to see more from Lacey Black in the future.

**ARC Provided by Smut Book Junkie Book Reviews**