A review by literatehedgehog
The New Kings of Nonfiction by Ira Glass


Great reporting and great writing on a variety of topics, some that I expected to like (and did) and some that I didn't expect to like (and mostly did). I was entertained, I was informed, I was impressed by overall excellence.

Unfortunately, it's definitely a set of "kings" with only two women writers, one of whom wrote about the "American man, age 10." Hmm.

Since Ira Glass edited, I do wonder then if that implies more about his specific taste - that women writers write about topics that are inherently uninteresting to him, or if their writing styles are inherently less interesting to him. Or does it mean something about the general scope of reporting that he culled from - there are simply fewer women writers or fewer women writing in those venues and forums that are generally held to be respectable. Whatever the reason, it certainly cannot be that women aren't writing interesting, entertaining, informative, even ground-breaking articles and essays out there. I won't believe that, Ira Glass. Let's try for more diverse voices next time, please.