A review by quetzelish
A Dream of Flying by The Original Writer, Alan Davis, Garry Leach


A dream of flying is a strange introduction into the character of Miracleman. The first few pages trick one into thinking that this is a collection of the early 1950's superhero stories before a page featuring a Nietzsche quote turns the story into a post-modern, deconstructionist story. From there the story takes a quick dip into dark, uncertain territory that is very common for Moore. For the most part, it is an interesting read but a bit difficult to follow at times. It is also relatively short, with only around 80 pages being miracleman's story and featuring about 25-30 pages of some strange, trippy and hard to parse side story. In this latter section, Moore goes full on cryptic with his narrative boxes and tells his almost incomprehensible story. The rest of the book is all bonus material. It's hard to say whether or not this is a good book because, narratively, it's all over the place. That is in part due to Moore's writing style and also due to the original serialized format (each section being around 8 pages in black and white originally). Regardless, the story itself is well constructed and if you can parse through the main story, it is well worth a read. Maybe volume 2 makes more sense.