A review by queenofhistoricalfiction
The Thistle and the Rose by Jean Plaidy



While I can't fault Plaidy's writing style, this book was a bit repetitive. It was oh this handsome guy likes me, I am in love, wait he's cheated on me, I hate him. The main problem I had with this book was that there felt like there wasn't any real depth to the characters, they were all archetypical. The men were pretty much all the same and in the end and I felt a bit like Albani. I wondered, what was the point of chasing after Margaret when all I really wanted to do was go back to real life where I was happy and content. I understand that when writing about a time period from 500 years ago and especially when writing about women, there was a real lack of information. It means that writers rely heavily on what little facts they do have and in the process, they as well as we do, forget that at one time these were real people. Leading on to a story that lies at its best at the surface.