A review by sarahjycbooks
Nocte by Courtney Cole



Nocte by Courtney Cole is the first book of the Nocte trilogy. The rest of the series is now available.


Nocte by Courtney Cole is a fantastic and amazing story. It is one of the most unique and enticing stories I have ever read!

Nocte is about a girl named Calla who has a twin brother, Finn, with a mental illness. All her life, she and Finn have been inseparable. There love for each other as brother and sister held no bounds. Calla has always been there for her twin, and she will do anything to help him. But when tragedy strikes, Calla and Finn struggle to keep living life to the fullest. As Calla struggles with managing her own problems as well as Finn's, she finds a ray of happiness with Dare DuBray. Only...Dare has his own secrets. And there is always that old saying that revealing the truth is always best. But sometimes, secrets are better being kept hidden.

Courtney develops an amazing plot with twists and turns that will leave you wanting to know and read more. She has developed this wonderfully unique story that grabbed my attention from the first page. Nocte is unlike any other book I've read and I am SOOOOO glad I read this book. Because now I will have a serious book hangover because....THAT ENDING!

I absolutely love the relationship between Calla and Finn. As brother and sister, and twins, Courtney captured the essence of their bond fantastically! You could tell how close Calla and her brother were, and how they were willing to do ANYTHING to save each other from their inner demons.

And Dare DuBray! Let's just say that this fine specimen of a man will forever be on my top 20 book boyfriends!!!! He is sexy, kind, smart, loving, caring, and also badass at the same time! I think I almost fainted every time Courtney wrote a sexy Dare scene in the book...which happened to be almost all the time! But there was also a mysterious side to him that you don't figure out until the end and even then, the book leaves you at a cliff hanger that still keeps Dare's secrets hidden. The anticipation KILLED me when I read the last sentence. KILLED ME. Like, I think my heart and lungs stopped working for a good five minutes. I'll warn you right now (if you already hadn't figured it out) that the book ends in a cliffhanger. A frustratingly wonderful cliffhanger. Yeah, I know. That makes no sense. But it does at the same time.

And towards the end, Courtney reveals a shocking revelation that will have you wide-eyed, jaw dropped, internally screaming, and saying"OHMERGERD" a bajillion times.

You want to read this book.
And the next one.
And the next one.
Until you are done with the entire series.

I highly recommend Nocte to anyone. ANYONE. It is a definite must-read. Nocte is a wonderfully beautiful story that will make you cry and smile and fall in love with the characters. I know I did. And I also neglected to do any work because I couldn't put this book down. Totally worth it though :)