A review by rebecca_3
Angel Arias by Marianne de Pierres


This felt very short and simple compared to [b:Burn Bright|9433912|Burn Bright (Night Creatures, #1)|Marianne de Pierres|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312805103s/9433912.jpg|14318452], but it has been so long since I read it I might be remembering it wrong. This was just a single mission back into the city to find out how the elders are involved with Ixion.

We got to know Markes a whole lot more in this book, and I liked him for the most part. Lenoir was hardly in it and he and Naif never met up so we were able to focus on Markes and see if anything would happen between him and Naif. They clearly like each other but Naif is still caught up on Lenoir. And at the end it seemed that Markes was a little mad at Naif, and Naif was mad at Lenoir, so who know what will happen there. And most confusing of all is the blurb for [b:Shine Light|10522443|Shine Light (Night Creatures, #3)|Marianne de Pierres|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344004323s/10522443.jpg|15428604] which called Lenoir Naif's one true love. I really didn't think it had come to that yet. It was a blood bond and a physical attraction. I didn't think it was more than that. But perhaps the rest is still to come. I am excited to find out since I will usually choose the more complicated of two love interests, and that is definitely Lenoir.

Speaking of Lenoir. He is an alien. Somehow I totally missed that in book 1. I had no clue what he was but I was leaning towards demon. But he referred to his "home world" more than once, as if I should have already known. We met a lot of new characters in this book. I really enjoyed Jarrold. He was so helpful and did all kinds of crazy stuff to help Naif. I cant believe he got away with it all. Such a daredevil. I really did not like Emilia though. What a big baby. I hope she is not in book 3 too much. And I think Markes deserves better. Even if Naif chooses Lenoir, I hope Markes does not end up with Emilia. So I don't know how this series will conclude but I only have one book left and I will read it soon.