A review by nbiblioholic
Walking The Line by Janine Infante Bosco


1. That cover model looks nothing like how I imagined the hero. Absolutely nothing.
2. I loved this story!

Oh, my sweet, adorable, kind yet miserable, sexy Nico. Your heart is solid gold!

If you've been reading about these lovable Satan's Knights, you've already fallen in love with Nico.

If you haven't read anything about them yet, you will discover all of the joy and pain and radiance that comes from diving deep into this world.

Nico grew up with the Satan's Knights' princess, Lacey. It was no wonder he had a crush. She was nice and pretty and his best friend. That crush transcends with time and his love for her knows no bounds. So what if she's married? Her husband isn't good enough for her. So what if she's pregnant? He can love that baby as his own. But that wasn't in the cards for him because his love wasn't reciprocated. Not to mention, it was causing problems within the club. So he backed off, nursing his wounds, broken and not believing that things could be better.

And then things get worse...

His teenage brother got his teenage girlfriend pregnant. It wouldn't be such a huge problem if her father weren't the district attorney looking to take them all down. When she's kicked out of her house, the Scottos rally and show her what family really looks like. JIB made this as beautiful as always peeps!

But you know the pain is gonna come. Because you can't appreciate the beauty of a happy ending without a bit of heartache.

Nico is once again the caregiver for a pregnant woman. She's nothing like Lacey, but that ends up being a great thing. She's too young, but she's spunky and kind and pretty irresistible. But he must resist. She's his brother's girl. Forbidden fruit. The sweetest temptation.

Then there's utter devastation. The startling clarity that only being the Property of Parrish gives you. And the sweetest surrender that comes with accepting what is.

Is this really the end of the Satan's Knights? Are you telling me I'll get no more stories about these incredible people? Say it ain't so!! I will always be #PropertyOfParrish