A review by livres_et_sortileges
Between the Lines by Samantha Van Leer, Jodi Picoult


Enjoyable book but not mind-blowing. I did like some aspects of the story but it's filled with clichés, and the ending isn't really believable. I have mixed feelings about this book and it could have been so much better.

First thing with this book : PLEASE STOP MAKING CHARACTERS WEIRD DIFFERENT OR HATED OR WHATEVER JUST BC THEY LIKE BOOKS AND READING !!! I'm sick of characters "not like anyone" for stupid reasons, with that one friend who is also "weird" for some other ridiculous reason.

The love story isn't believable, but it's probably bc it's a fairytail like story, so love at first sight and all this. This is a recurring issur for me in YAs bc i don't believe in true love or that you can love someone in 10 minutes...

The way the whole thing was solved was a bit of a blur as well, I don't know how it was really possible so I have a problem with this too...

However, I liked the whole "characters are different when the book is closed" I thought that was really funny and interesting. It was also quite enjoyable how it was all a play and to have them hanging from letters and everything.

I also liked that we get some bits of the fairy tail, and the two character's pov !