A review by see_sadie_read
Time Off for Good Behavior by Lani Diane Rich


I have to say I really enjoyed Wanda and all of her Idiosyncrasies. Honestly, the woman is just a little crazy for most of the book and the situations she finds herself in are patently absurd. So you do just kind of have to role with it to a certain extent. I think her terse relationship with Father Hard-Ass is my favourite. There is so much witty sarcasm, what someone else called snark, in this book that I couldn't help but be constantly amused.

True conversation:
My husband sauntered into the living-room chuckling.
Me: "What?"
Him: "Nothing. I'm just laughing at you sitting there grinning to yourself."
Me (waving my Kindle at him indignantly): "But it's funny."
Him (shaking his head knowingly): "I'm sure it is."
Me (lovingly to his departing back): "Bastard"

Yep, that's how it goes. Wanda's journey of self-discovery is one I think a lot of women can relate to. If we're all as lucky as her and can finally come to not only understand but accept ourselves life will surely improve. Of course she is helped along by a whole cadre of new friends and one AMAZING new love interest. Yes, Walter (aka Jimmy Stewart) is just far too good to be true. So of course it's impossible not to love him. It only took me an evening to read the book and I'm glad I gave it the time.