A review by missdaisyanna
I, Vampire by Jody Scott


My god. This book. Was dreadful.

I picked it up because the blurb sounded so ridiculous. I thought it might give me a few laughs. To be fair, it did, but only at how bad it was!

The plot was complete nonsense. There was absolutely no logical thread through ANY of it. The writing was diabolical - random capitalisation, context less sentences, phrases and metaphors that made absolutely no sense. The pacing was completely nonsensical - a walk to work could take a chapter, then a murder could pass by in two sentences. Despite focussing on a female/female romance, there were a bunch of homophobic slurs thrown in at the end for (seemingly) no reason. And to TOP IT ALL OFF, it ends with EVERYONE'S LEAST FAVOURITE TROPE: "And it was all a dream!".

This book wasted four days of my life. I can't understand why it's a cult classic, much less a "feminist romp" or "underrated sci-fi novel".