A review by hinoki
Janes in Love by Cecil Castellucci


(side note: why does the cover of the online ed have Jane w/ blue hair, but my physical book have Jane w/ red hair?)
I was really disappointing by this book. I read the 1st one a long time ago and really liked it. Al the characters were cool and the plot was interesting.
This book is weird. There were scenes I really didn't understand (like when Jayne made the pheromones) and many scenes with diologue, but no interaction; all the characters said some thing about the topic, but they didn't really interact w/ each other. I also didn't really understand the motivations of some of the characters, like that rude blond girl or the mom.
I admit this may have to do something to do with the fact that my attitude about art has really changed. Probably when I read the first time I wanted to be an artist, so I really related to the Janes. Now I kind of dislike art. I know that's strange, but I found Jane a little annoying. Go draw. In your home.