A review by danilanglie
The Two Noble Kinsmen by John Fletcher, William Shakespeare


This may be the most "obscure" of Shakespeare's plays, because it wasn't actually attributed to Shakespeare's canon for a long stretch. I knew absolutely nothing about it going in, and after finishing it, I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised.

This play touches on some of the same themes that Shakespeare likes to look at a lot. People in disguises, women being sold off into marriage, and, most strikingly, the platonic love between two men vs. the romantic love between a man and a woman. The same theme is explored in [b:The Two Gentlemen of Verona|82346|The Two Gentlemen of Verona|William Shakespeare|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327936223s/82346.jpg|1070598], but honestly I think it works better here. There's more time spent showing the true friendship and respect that the two cousins have for one another, and their reconciliation has a tragic twist to it, as one of them lies dying. It was something of a novel experience to read a Shakespeare play and legitimately not know how it was going to end. Obviously the plot is ridiculous and makes very little sense, but I was still kind of... touched? by how it all turned out.

I could have done without the whole subplot with the crazy jailer's daughter though. That was just kind of odd.