A review by calistareads
A Dance Like Starlight: One Ballerina's Dream by Kristy Dempsey


This story is set in the 50s and the main character is a girl and her mother who works backstage for the ballet. The girl dreams of being a ballerina, but at this time, she isn’t allowed to because of her skin. Yet, she yearns and dreams of being on stage. She has a natural gift and the teachers notice her backstage doing the dance and lets her in the back of the class. She has good form.

Then, on November 13, 1951 Janet Collins performs as the lead in the Metropolitan Opera and this is historically accurate. It gives the girl hope and a fierce dream that she too can be a star.

The poetry is beautiful and it’s told as a lullaby. The colors are beautiful and the book hangs on hope. Anyone with a dream will appreciate this story.