A review by mariam27
Come to Daddy by Brianna Hale


3.5 Stars.

Omg wtf?

Okay let's start by the introduction. I have to say, the start of this plot made me a bit queasy, I wasn't sure if this was my kind of thing but I rolled with it because I thought this was just a bit over 100 Pages. Wow I was wrong.

Also, I thought this book was going to be a fun, flirty read. OMG WAS IT NOT. I clearly don't read DESCRIPTIONS well, but that prplogue? Did not expect that at all

The climax? chef's kiss, I love most of what was leading to it, however, at first I thought this was a novella therefore I understood the fast pace of it but since it is not, this book-well the physicality of their relationship is like snap