A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Impulse by Dannika Dark


New mysteries, and more dangerous situations for Silver. Also lots of romance, and some important decisions to made. I especially loved the final paragraph with Silver and her Ghuardian!

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog: (un)Conventional Bookviews.

Impulse is a very apt name for the third book in the Mageri series! We get to know more about Silver, her birth, her childhood, and why she is sometimes not doing what her impulse is telling her to do! We also get to know a lot more about Justus and his own brand of impulse control. It was amazing to get more back-story on Justus, it explains so much about the way he treats Silver, and also the way he treats the women he’s with.

There is also a lot of action in Impulse, both with fights and with the budding romantic relationship between Logan and Silver. I sure have a soft spot for Logan! I know I would never be able to have a relationship with a man like him in real life, but I love reading about him and Silver. The reverence with which he treats her is heart-warming. And I love his loyalty and his honesty. Logan is also dealing with his own impulses, he is used to listening to his instincts, and to realize that he might have to act a little differently around Silver than he would with a Chitah woman is eye-opening.