A review by hidekisohma
Illidan: World of Warcraft by William King


Ok, get ready for a fact that's totally going to blow your mind. This is a book that if you don't play World of Warcraft, you probably won't get a lot out of it. I know, crazy right?
But seriously, if you either aren't into the Legion expansion or played Burning Crusade, there's a lot of things you won't find as interesting. But, if you're a WOW fan like me, it definitely gives some interesting background into the character Illidan Stormrage.
I will say, there is a LOT of violence in this book. So if you're cool with that then there shouldn't be a problem.
This book does seem to do quite a bit of jumping between the story's four main characters though. Those characters are Akama, Illidan, Maiev, and Vandel. If you don't mind jumping around between perspectives until it all comes together in the finale then it shouldn't be a problem. If that sort of thing bothers you, be warned it happens a lot.
One of the things that I really liked about this book was that it gave me some lore with the burning legion. I honestly didn't know too much about them as I didn't' really pay attention to the lore back when Burning Crusade was out, so now that I'm playing Legion it's nice to see what they're all about (not really spoiler* they're evil and want to burn things)
All in all, if you're a fan, you'll give it about a 3.5. if you're not a fan, well you probably won't be reading it, but you'll more or less give it a 2.5. It reads well and it kept me wanting to keep reading until I finished it. So that's a plus. 3.5 for me, but since I can't do halves, it's not quite worth a 4, so a 3 it is.