A review by ethrone
Alpha & Omega by Patricia Briggs


so good y'all!!!!! i started to read [b:Cry Wolf|2355575|Cry Wolf (Alpha & Omega, #1)|Patricia Briggs|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1310494063l/2355575._SY75_.jpg|2362332] and had no idea what was going on and that's basically b/c i needed to definitely read this novella first! and b/c of that, i just went ahead and decided i would read the order of books the author suggests (aka starting at the beginning of the timeline which includes the mercy thompson series as well). i am already loving both series and i really loved this one in particular.

it was such a great introduction to this particular part of the story. i'm so glad i get to learn more about charles and his story. he's definitely going to be a favorite, i can already tell. i also really enjoy anna so far. i love the storyline of the omega and what she's going to be able to do for the wolves around her after she was abused for years. i can't wait to see her journey throughout this series, even though i know there are significantly less books in the a&o series than mercy thompson's.

there's not much else for me to say since i want to read more from this universe before i give my final thoughts. i'm not usually the biggest fans of novellas/their short formats, but this one was able to introduce characters and allow you to already begin forming attachments to them before diving into the first novel. some might complain about the insta-love aspect, but since i've already started reading the first novel that immediately follows this one, i believe that it's definitely not what it seems and there are things that complicate what may seem like the "perfect" love story.