A review by aboutthatstory
All I Ask by Corinne Michaels


This was my first Corrine Michaels book and it won't be my last. I loved the emotional roller coaster of Teagan and Derek coming together, learning their histories, their heartbreaks, and watching them rekindle their friendship. It was a beautiful story!

I really liked both Teagan and Derek. I enjoyed learning about their friendship, their feelings, and what they were going through. This is told from both the past and present and it was nice to get both of those perspectives. There's a lot of heartache and anger happening that they both had to deal with and I thought it was well written, pulling me in. I liked the build, the anticipation of them seeing each other, discovering what the other one felt, and how it grew. They were so sweet together and I loved seeing them reconnect and their amazing bond.

There's a lot of tension, mild drama, teenage attitude, and angst. There were just a lot of raw and real emotions and I felt it all. I was glad that mixed in with the emotion and drama, was Teagan’s fun, self-deprecating humor that helped to lightened things up. Even though there's a lot of emotional things happening, I felt it was a fast-paced, easy read. The conflict was resolved easily and I found a few things slightly predictable. The bottom line for me was, I couldn't put it down and I was completely invested. I needed these to be together, to work through those past hurts and come out on the other side.

I thought this was a really great story and was thrilled with the outcome. I need more Corinne Michaels in my life!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.