A review by courtneyshek
I Like It Like That by Cecily Von Ziegesar


Full review with spoilers here

We join our fave Upper East Siders on Spring Break in this book. B has found a new love interest in S's brother Erik, S is dying for attention because everyone is looking at Blair for once, Nate is not enjoying his vacation with his new girlfriend as much as he thought, Jenny's new boyfriend is not who she once thought and Dan is continuing to be a really annoying "artist".

All this and we still do not know if Blair got into Yale - on the bright side though, B didn't seem to be thinking too much about that recently. So that's good.

I hope we hear more about Georgina because I loved her on the TV show. And I'm waiting for the inevitable Dan and Vanessa get back together but so do Blair and Nate storylines. So we keep on reading.