A review by otterball
The Every by Dave Eggers


eggers’ narrative voice is, as usual, engaging and witty. the tech morals were so on the nose that i frequently found myself cross-eyed from the absurdity of it all. loved it, especially as a continuation of the world introduced in the circle, and not all that far from our own universe.

so many tongue-in-cheek segments that boil down to depressing semi-realities:

“The contract had a soundtrack, which Delaney recognized as early One Direction. ‘Your total commitment to this Experiment is necessary for it to succeed in yielding Comfort, Mindfulness, and Actionable Data.’ … There were more pages, 77 more pages, and because she could not sign the contract if the eye trackers found she’d skipped a word, Delaney had to read them all.” -299-300