A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
The Red Mother #11 by Danny Luckert, Jeremy Haun


THE RED MOTHER #11, available Wednesday from BOOM! Studios, and this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Everything is finally starting to come together, as the inevitable fate chasing after Daisy McDonough comes ever closer.

Eleven issues ago, Daisy’s entire life was changed, and not for the better. She went from having a life she loved, to a life where she seems to keep losing everything. Now, it seems that whatever entity has gained an interest in her, has come back to take the rest. Or has it?

The Red Mother #11 is a dark issue, yet it is also a climatic one. This is an issue we’ve been waiting for, as the build-up has been steadily leading to whatever is about to happen next. After this, there will be only one issue left in the series.

That begs the question, how will the series wrap up? Will it continue on this dark path, or will Daisy find a way to fight, and possibly even win? I don’t know about everyone else, but I have my hopes. Though I’m not entirely certain which direction the series will ultimately take. That’s half the appeal.

Check out the rest of my review over at Monkeys Fighting Robots