A review by anteus7
Dry by Jarrod Shusterman, Neal Shusterman


I love the premise of this book--it's not so far-fetched that Southern California could run out of water leaving too many thirsty people not knowing what to do. The characters all rubbed me a little bit the wrong way, though. I don't think that I would make all of the right decisions in a crisis like that, but there were so many obviously wrong choices that the main characters (all teens ranging from thirteen to nineteen I think) made that it was hard to read past sprains I got rolling my eyes sometimes.

Still, the concept is good, the vignettes (snapshots) work with the story to develop a bigger picture, and the reactions of the general populace to this kind of a catastrophe were believable. I feel like I should get some of my students to read this to see how they like (or dislike) the characters.

Second read update: I still mostly feel the same about the book--the characters don't annoy me as much as before. I did assign this as summer reading for some of my classes, so we'll see what they thought in a couple of weeks.