A review by michellesantiago
Something in the Heir by Suzanne Enoch


This book was brought to my attention because it was the on sale on Audible for $4 one day. It sounded good, but I didn't want to necessarily purchase it. Thank goodness I was able to borrow it from the library. Because I'd probably regret buying it.

It was fun and it did keep my attention. I liked the couple and the orphan children they took in to help them keep their manor house. That whole plot was fun. But, this was supposed to be a [historical] romance and the romance (a second chance between the already-married couple who had a marriage of convenience) was a secondary plot. Also, there were no on-page sexy times in this book. And I like my sexy times in my romances.

I read this book entirely via audiobook and the narrator did a great job. Her performance is probably the reason why this book kept my attention tbh. So, I highly recommend the audiobook.

If want to read a clean romance novel in which the romance isn't the main plot and is a fun time, this is it.