A review by robinlovesreading
When We Were Brave by Suzanne Kelman


Historical Fiction seems to be my go to these past months, and When We Were Brave ranks right up there at the top. This affecting story is told in both 1944 Cornwall and present day London. Sophie finds a photograph of her great-aunt Vivi from World War II. This is very confusing to Sophie because this picture and the memories she has been told her entire life do not match up.

During the war, Vivienne Hamilton eloped to Paris with a Nazi POW. This was something her family was ashamed of, and that is why. until Sophie happened upon the picture, Vivi's name had never been discussed.

Sophie studies the photograph, and she gets help when she can, and it becomes more and more evident that Vivi's story was simply one of love. It seems more and more that Vivi was involved in so much more, and that might be why she apparently disappeared. As Sophie has taken her questions to Cornwall, and talks to various people secrets are coming to light.

Whether the story was being told in the past, or in the present, I was captivated throughout. The war effort was at full swing, and the spy network had an amazing agenda, as it turned out. Sophie's story was intriguing as well. In great fashion, Suzanne Kelman has penned another fantastic story.

When reading historical fiction there is always something to learn about during that period of war. In this case it was the complicated spy network, the British SOE. Just as I will never forget the other book I read by her, The View Across the Rooftops, this is one I will not forget either.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.