A review by carolpk
The Guilty One by Lisa Ballantyne


”A little boy was found dead in Barnard Park.
This simple sentence is telling. Daniel, an attorney finds himself the man, the protector, who will defend another little boy, Sebastian Croll who is the accused of the victim’s death. Sebastian is a clever, boy, but not much liked by his peers or their parents who see him as a bully. Daniel
immediately forms a bond with Sebastian. He’s not quite certain why but it may be “there but for the grace of God, goes I”. Daniel’s chance in life came in foster care, from Minnie who took Daniel in as a young boy. After a slow start and many missteps they work out a relationship and Minnie eventually adopts Daniel with his acceptance. He even begins to call her Mam. Then something goes horribly sour. The reader knows Daniel has suffered a huge betrayal by Minnie; you’re just not certain what it is. It’s so bad that Daniel wishes Minnie dead, and will not talk to her in his adult life. He can't forgive her and this makes me wonder if he is as much the guilty one as the boy he is defending.
The story unfolds from here being told in alternative chapters of Daniel’s defense of Sebastian, and his formation during his growing up years with Minnie.
The author states her story is base on The Case of Mary Bell, by Gitta Sereny. I might like to read this also.
A debut this novel explores the innocence vs. evil of children, a subject I'm always interested in reading about. My sincere thanks to William Morrow for providing this in e-galley format for my reading pleasure. Due to be published March 2013.
3.5 if only I could give the extra points.