A review by reinatellstales
Pictures of You by Leta Blake


I was very lucky to receive all 3 books in the 90s coming of age trilogy as ARCs at once so I didn't have to wait. Which is important to me because I am a HEA person, and I walked in knowing these first two books would probably not have a standard HEA or HFN.

Pictures of you in the first book in Leta Blake's new series, which follows Peter and his relationship with new-in-town Adam. They get along so well to start, which is great because although Peter has lived in town his whole life he did just have to transfer schools due to bullying. He tells his parents it's because he's Jewish, nerdy, always carrying a camera...but it's because he's gay. Which Adam, it seems, catches on to quickly.

Friends kiss sometimes, right?

Peter makes friends and builds a relationship with Adam, but things aren't quite right. Most notably, when Adam gets a girlfriend.

Again, I went into this book prepared. I read the trigger/content warning list, and I knew that 'cliffhangers' and elements of cheating are not usually my jam. But I also knew that Leta Blake writes stories and characters I love, so I took that leap of faith. And finished all three books in two days.

Peter has apparently lived in Leta's mind for many, many years, and I'm happy to lend him space in mine. He is well rounded and complicated and messy. You can feel the angst, confusion, the joy and the passion. And his story hurts sometimes. His relationship with mother, which is more developed in the next two books, is a heartbreaking start in this book. Even with his flaws and mistakes, though, you root for him.

Meanwhile, Adam... Adam is hard to root for sometimes. But it's so easy to look at this character and think "I want you to get better. If not for Peter, then for yourself."

So! If you can handle a little pain... this book series could be right for you. If you want a glimpse into the 90s, landlines and AIDs crisis and political turmoil and all, this is a great start.