A review by midnightcharcuterie
How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question by Michael Schur


I hang with a bunch of dudes with Philosophy degrees (it's as exciting as it sounds) and often felt like I couldn't hang in discussions with them. This book was a great primer of foundational Philosophical thinkers, written in an engaging and entertaining way. Thanks to Michael Schur I can pop into the occasional conversation with understanding- or, at the very least, I can ask a question that sounds really smart to take the attention of me.

I also appreciated that Schur highlighted some non-male, non-white thinkers. Obviously Philosophy is entrenched in white male thought and you can't really get away from that if you're discussing the major schools of thought, but I thought it was great that he pulled in those examples when he could. I'll definitely be rereading this one.