A review by ciska
Girl Through Glass by Sari Wilson


*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review*

This review contains spoilers!!
I loved dancing when I was younger. Ballet, modern dance, ballroom dancing I tried it all. Not that I was any good or able to make a career out of it but it has always been an interest. I loved watching people who could really dance. I often visit the theatre to see various performances and I love stories and movies where dance is involved. It was no question for me I wanted to review this book.
Mira her mindset is how I imagine girls with a lot of talent but also the will to make something out of it are. Going all the way to make a dream come true. Loosing contact with the 'real world'.
The book holds two stories. that of Mira as a child and looking back as an adult. She has such a strong personality that it is clear you are reading about the same person in different years. Though the story of Mira as an adult was intriguing I was hoping for the child chapters all the time. These chapters tell the story of the struggle, the hard work and how much is given to be the best. To fully connect to Mira both views are necessary though. Her decisions now are based on what happened when she was younger. I started watching Flesh and Bones around the same time I started reading this book and it was a nice addition to the whole experience.