A review by mariahroze
Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl


I love reading nonfiction, especially autobiographies. This book was not just any autobiography but a book about Roald Dahl's childhood. Growing up I loved the book Matilda and enjoyed James and the Giant Peach and the BFG and now as an adult I am making it my goal to read all his books. I just set this goal a couple weeks ago and have read this book and The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me.

Roald Dahl told fascinating stories about his childhood up the the age of 18. He explained his extreme love of chocolate and his fear of most of his teachers. I believe these two factors were huge for his writings and stories.

I really enjoyed Roald's autobiography, that he swears wasn't one and I suggest it to anyone that enjoys him as a writer.