A review by rhodered
Death-Touched by Rhiannon Held


I will always hold this series, in particular its first two books, more tightly to my heart than typical fantasies or PNRs because it’s a bit closer to litfic than many of them are and the world building is awesome and believable. It’s not a frippery. I’m so glad we are in the self publishing age, because otherwise this would have ended two books back when the original publisher pulled the plug, and we would have never known what happened.

It’s an adventure. The bad guy is a powerful narcissist who heads the Russian packs. Silver, as in many of these books, goes toe to toe with a dangerous people who are larger and better at fighting than she can possibly be in a frail, small body with a ruined arm. Her force of personality, and the fact that it always comes down to personality and intelligence in the end, is always good to watch.

The book’s other main thread - Andrew’s atheism vs Silver’s deep belief in their culture’s religion - is woven throughout. I liked the conclusion, although for some reason I wasn’t that drawn into the debate. Maybe because for fantasy novels you have to suspend so much disbelief that whether or not you think a particular book’s gods are true is more of a whim than a heart-wrenching thing?

I’m getting too wordy here. In summary, it was pretty good. It worked. It wasn’t my favorite of the series, but that’s ok. Not every book can be.

Btw: I bought my copy, just as I’ve bought all the rest of them :-).