A review by tessa_talks_books
How to Hide in Plain Sight by Emma Noyes


One-word review:  Moving
Emojis: 🤔🥺🥰
Rating:  5🌟s

Favorite Quote: “Before I learned to ignore the siren call of my memories, their taunts, daring me to jump down, down, down, into that all-to-familiar place - a hole into which at times I fell accidently and at others I climbed willingly, allowing the rest of the soil to tumble in after me, shutting off all oxygen and blotting out the sun.”

My Top-Five-style Review:

5. The romance plot thread warmed my heart and made it grow exponentially. Eliot (FMC) and Manuel’s story have so much beauty. I just loved it!

4. The family themes, with their raw authenticity, created a connection that resonated deeply. The messiness and love that make for a good story were beautifully portrayed.  I cherished the evolution of their bonds throughout the narrative.

3. The pacing, while leisurely at times, compensated with its intellectually stimulating exploration of topics and themes.

2. The book offers a unique and in-depth perspective on a commonly referenced mental health disorder - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. It reframes the disorder, shedding light on lesser-known symptoms that pose significant challenges for sufferers and their loved ones.  While it can be difficult to delve into a mental health disorder through a story, it is also crucial.

1. Emma Noyes’ courage in sharing this story, which is deeply personal and informative about a complex mental health disorder, is truly admirable.  It’s never easy to admit one's struggles, as it opens up a world of uncertainty and fear. However, to go a step further and share it with the world in a moving and informative fictional story is a testament to the book's importance for society.