A review by wellington299
CrazyBusy: Overstretched, Overbooked, and about to Snap! Strategies for Handling Your Fast-Paced Life by Edward M. Hallowell


So, ti's to return to some easier reading. CrazyBusy talks about the frantic modern life which makes us go faster but falling farther behind. It's a subject I think that all of us can relate to on some level.

Edward takes us through some humorous examples of our modern life. They are fun and see ourselves and hopefully laugh at ourselves. He then starts pointing out a strategies to get a hold of our life ... like a time budget.

We hear about financial budgets and diet diaries but not time budgets. Have you ever analyzed how you actually spend your 168 hours a week? Further he assigns a point system based on productivity, need, and desire. I laughed to myself because I created something akin to my eating habits (is it good for me? does it taste good? Does it make someone else happy if I eat it). I thought I was alone in this thinking.

There were many fine suggestions for example doing a job first before getting emotionally roped into it and that the most successful people (financially speaking) spend time thinking and playing with ideas - not running around like people on Blackberry devices.

This book ironically is aimed toward the people who are least likely to read it. The book is divided into such short chapters it makes a wonderful literary companion on your bus ride or lunch break. If you want to start catching up, I think this book could have some answers for you.