A review by dgilbreath
Receiver of Many by Rachel Alexander


3.5 stars! So I love a Hades and Persephone retelling. I love how spot on this story was with the actual story. I loved this through about 60-70% of it and then I got bored. I got tired of the…spice. Lol. Which I know is half the point of THIS retelling but it made the story drag on. I skimmed through the last 30% and skipped all the spicy times because I was just ready for it to end. It does make me sad because I really loved it initially. I do love this Persephone more than others…I loved Hades and Hecate as always….everyone else I could take or leave. But I HATED this Demeter. We always hate Demeter…but when she had to lie about who she is to be saved from the frigid cold because she knows she’s the awful cause of it…it was just too much for me. If you’re going to cause all that destruction, live with your actions and be proud of it at least. What message are you sending when you can’t handle your own punishment?! Ugh. That is all. It just fell short for me. But I can see the potential.