A review by soulfulsin
A Turn of Light by Julie E. Czerneda


We'll start with the bad and work our way to the good:

Did she really have to repeat the main character's full name? Was there a prize for saying "Jenn Nalynn" as many times as possible? It was a little grating.

For such a long book, it really didn't have much of a sense of danger until nearly the end. It's long and a little sleepy, much like Marrowdell.

The good: For a while, it was hard to put down. I wound up forsaking the other book I was reading in favor of this. I like her writing style, although I hope the next book is shorter. I also hope more happens and the world building she did won't go to waste.

I really liked the characters, particularly Wyll/Wisp and Scourge. I'm interested in seeing more of their world-- it felt like a lot of the really interesting things happened in the past and there was nothing left for the present. I hope Jenn being part sei will be something that has significance in the next book.

The romance was a little much, but it was believable. I also liked the relationships between Jenn and Wyll/Wisp and Peggs/Kydd. Everything seemed, for the most part, believable and intertwined very well. It wasn't just that she had magic, but that everything around her was magic. It's odd to see it incorporated so well.

All things told, though, I'm a little glad to be done with this. Now I can read something else-- or return to Vortex.