A review by lifesouvenirs
No Such Thing as Ordinary: Unlocking Your Extraordinary Life through Everyday Encounters with Jesus by Rachel Balducci

hopeful inspiring reflective fast-paced


#NoSuchThingasOrdinary #NetGalley #bookreview 

Publisher: Ave Maria Press
ISBN: 9781646801275

Release Date: Mar 11, 2022

The Promise (Descr from Publisher): 

No Such Thing as Ordinary will help you discover the passion and adventure in your life while empowering you to see how God uses daily, here-and-now moments to draw you to him in an extraordinary way.

The Expectation (mine after reading the promise, etc):

I am kind of an odd duck. I not only march to the beat of a different drum.. It's a drum to a completely different band marching on a completely different field. So, this book just drew me in by title alone. It's like I have a permission slip - it's ok to not be "ordinary" & I hope this encourages me to be open to God working through me in extraordinary ways... in spite of myself and in spite of my very ordinary life. 

Favorite/Summary Quote:

“Each of us has a deep thirst for something more that helps us push past a willingness to be mediocre.” 

What I connected with:

Expectations exceeded!

If I had been highlighting in an actual book, I’d need new highlighters. There is nugget after glorious golden nugget in this book. I laughed. I cried. I connected with her struggles of the day in day out of being a wife & mom. 

She said something about burnout forcing her surrender & that is EXACTLY where I’m at right now. And “I’m tired and need a nap.” I’m there, too.   Surrender is simple in some ways but scary. The author made this far less scary.  

I can’t say enough about this wonderful book! 

What I struggled with:

I really didn’t struggle with anything other than I really want a hard copy of this book in my hands! In my personal library.  Sometimes I felt like there was some repetition, but it wasn’t annoying at all. It was weaving an established, familiar thread from earlier in her book to a new one. This was a fantastic experience!

What I learned:

That I desperately need to surrender to my overwhelming thirst for God in the stillness & quietness of prayer & I can be assured that God not only will show up, He’s already there waiting on me… expecting me. .. knowing that I am coming.

How I was transformed: 

I read this book in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down. I have some peace I didn’t have before over a decision I made recently to walk away from hustle & grind & shut out the noise, heal the burnout and focus only on what God wants in my life through daily adoration.  I have affirmation & confirmation & some great motivation and inspiration for doing this in my life starting now. I have no reason to wait. This can be now.  This is life changing for me. 

I will recommend this to friends and family. I will buy this book as a gift for new brides & new moms. I wish I’d had this book 15 years ago! I definitely want a hard copy of this book!

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own.