A review by sophielegarrec
My Friend Flicka by Mary O'Hara


This book is so, so important to me.
I first read it (in French) when I was maybe 10 years old. It was one my dads book, it had a beautiful abstract cover with a horse silhouette on it. Each book of the series had a different color.
I read again again, and again, and again - at least once every summer. It burned Wyoming straight into my heart, forever. I finally made in to Wyoming, and then Montana in the summer of 2014 when I visited Yellowstone by myself. It was a life-changing experience and "Flicka" was on my mind every step of the way.
Reading this again at age 24 was a different experience. The book was both as I remember it and different in some ways. I stumbled upon some sentences that I had made mine without even realizing it, some bits about Ken's character that I internalized, and of course the whole atmosphere of the book. Wyoming, and especially the ranch, is such a magical place. That's what I will always get from it, I guess. This time around I noticed myself paying more attention the Nell's character - the way she is and dresses and acts throughout the book was very inspiring.

This book stood up so well to my childhood memories and I can't wait to get to #2 of the series.